Thinking Of Creating a Stock Trading Account? You Might Want To Read What Robinhood Says.

Image Source: Null-Byte HowTo
Image Source: Null-Byte HowTo

(New York) – Robinhood Markets Inc., a well known security trading platform confessed on Friday that some customers might have become targets of hackers as they suspect that their personal information might have been compromised outside of their platform.

In their defense, the spokesperson from Robinhood confirmed that there was no breach in Robinhood’s system that caused the issue.

They added as Reuters mentioned, “We’re actively working with those impacted to secure their accounts”.

Robinhood is a popular stock trading marketplace for millennials, especially the day trading ones and has seen a surge in traffic during the COVID-19 pandemic beginning March 2020.

Reuters reported – Robinhood had increased their latest funding round to $600 Million, valuing the company at $11.7 Billion post money, last month.

One can be sure that with that valuation, Robinhood will perhaps prepare better security systems to secure customer information.