Big Tech CEOs Pledge to Give a Helping Hand During Coronavirus Crisis


The U.S. is home to big tech companies and innovation powerhouses. Correct, Apple, Facebook, Tesla and the list goes on. But hang on, are these companies out there to make money? Well, not really..

According to recent news, Apple’s Tim Cook and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg have pledged to make mask donationations to medical facilities in the efforts of fighting the COVID-19 battle.
“Apple will donate millions of masks for health professionals in the U.S and Europe.”, Said Cook on Sunday.

Mark Zuckerberg said Facebook will be donating its emergency reserve of 720,000 masks to health workers. Zuckerberg also said the company is “sourcing millions more masks to donate.”

Elon Musk has donated 50,000 N95 masks to hospitals and medical professionals.

Recent reports have suggested China has slowed down in new coronavirus cases. Meanwhile the virus has been spreading rapidly across the globe and world governments have been fighting to get a grip on the situation.

Saying that, the United States has very rapidly become the hardest hit nation with an estimated 35,000 cases and 471 deaths. (Data reported by John Hopkins University).