Just weeks ago leaders from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), released a press statement confirming continued efforts to protect U.S. elections.

“Our agencies have been working in unprecedented ways to combat influence efforts and to support state and local officials in securing our elections, including efforts to harden election infrastructure against interference. Our goal is clear: ensure every vote is counted and counted correctly. At this time we have no indication of compromise of our nation’s election infrastructure that would prevent voting, change vote counts, or disrupt the ability to tally votes.”

“Americans should be aware that foreign actors – and Russia in particular – continue to try to influence public sentiment and voter perceptions through actions intended to sow discord. They can do this by spreading false information about political processes and candidates, lying about their own interference activities, disseminating propaganda on social media, and through other tactics.”

The departments continue to emphasize, “the United States will not tolerate foreign interference in our elections from Russia, China, Iran, or other nations.”

The executive order that President Donald J . Trump signed on September 12, clarifies that persons attempting to undermine or disrupt the electoral process will be seriously punished.

However, following the Mid Term elections in the U.S.A, which took place this past week, which is voting for seats in the Senate and House, it doesn’t seem as though the interference is coming from outside international sources; the interference is coming from within America’s own wall….and the issue is between two American parties.

In Broward County, Florida, Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz is appealing for the removal of Brenda Snipes, Supervisor of Elections. Reports and accusations of fraud are escalating as lawyers descend on Florida, the epicenter of a national election fight between the Democrat and the Republican party.

The question remains how 78,000 extra votes were found after election night was over and victory was announced to Governor Rick Scott. A recount of the ballot has been ordered and State Judge Carol Lisa Phillips has ruled it “a violation of the Florida Constitution” as well as”the state’s public records act”.

Immediate inspection is to take place, due to suspicion of Brenda Snipes’ “questionable” secretive history and the allegations of not turning over requested records.