Safety Measures for Cell Phone Usage Violators


Drivers in Nassau County, State of New York, USA, who are caught by police talking on cell phones while operating a vehicle are ticketed and advised to take the Nassau County Distracted Driver Education Program, by the court system.

For a fee of $112.00 plus shipping and other upgrade options orders can be placed, (pending permission of the Judge in Court), as part of the redemption of points and violation plea. An approved vendor from the Traffic and Parking Violations Agency, (TPVA), is selected and assigned to the violator.

A company recommended by the Nassau County Distracted Driver Education Program is cellcontrol. After receiving the package in the mail, a small box-shaped device is pressed firmly to the windscreen of the car frequently driven, which is paired to an app on the owner’s cell phone. As soon as activation takes place all phone handling movement and details from the owner’s phone are recorded during driving.

Reports from cellcontrol inform participants on the following rules:

You have 10 days from your court date to purchase, receive and activate your Cellcontrol DriveID. When activating your account, you must use your full name as it appears in court documentation.

Cellcontrol will report account activations to Nassau County on a daily basis to ensure compliance.  The program stipulates you must utilize the device for 90 days. 

At the end of 90 days, Cellcontrol will send Nassau County a report of your performance and completion of the program. You must also print a copy of the report and provide it to the court. TPVA will make a determination as to your success in the program.

The TPVBA Program works with residents to reduce the number of distracted driving-related crashes, injuries, and deaths in the region. It claims that the program is the first step to driving distraction free