SIX Essential Elements: Cyber Security Toolkit Released by CISA

Image credit: Pixabay | The image depicts a businessman standing in the middle of data swirl potentially related to cyber security.
WASHINGTON (Report by: Delcom Infotech, New York) – Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has made relentless efforts to empower small businesses as well as government agencies by releasing the new Cyber Essentials Toolkit.
The 2020 Cyber Essentials Toolkit marks a starting point for organizations to address and tackle cybersecurity risks by providing detailed insight and much needed resources on the SIX Essential Elements of the new concept of Cyber Readiness.
The newly released toolkit highlights the Yourself, The Leader as the first of the six essential elements followed by a new element each month. The first part of the toolkit focuses on the role of a leader in an organization and how their leadership can help the organization carve a culture of Cyber Readiness, particularly emphasizing on vital strategies and investments in the process.
An article published on CISA’s Official Website, CISA Director, Christopher Krebs mentioned – “We thank all of our partners in government and the private sector who played an essential role in the development of CISA’s Cyber Essentials Toolkit,”.
Krebs also said, “We hope this toolkit, and the ones we are developing, fills gaps and provides executives the tools they need to raise the cybersecurity baseline of their teams and the organizations they lead.
Below are the SIX Cyber Essentials that can help business leaders reduce or eradicate cybersecurity threats:
  1. Drive cybersecurity strategy, investment, and culture;
  2. Develop heightened level of security awareness and vigilance;
  3. Protect critical assets and applications;
  4. Ensure only those who belong on your digital workplace have access;
  5. Make backups and avoid loss of info critical to operations; and
  6. Limit damage and restore normal operations quickly.
Although the first step is THE most critical, all the elements in the above structure are designed to work with one another, perhaps, creating the foundation for a secure working environment and increased levels of security.
In the loud noise of cyberattacks faced by large organizations and government sectors, small businesses often get left behind when it comes to securing companies at the grassroots level.
Cyber Essentials addresses this concern and fills the gap by educating small business leaders based on two skills – Guiding principles for leaders and describes specific actions that owners, managers and leaders of all organizations must take in order to successfully implement a successful security ecosystem.