YouTube Bans Hacking Videos – Content Creators Twisted

Image by: Vikram Singh, Delcominfotech

YouTube no longer allows “Harmful and Dangerous” content. Based on their new policy, the world’s number one video platform YouTube does not support videos containing instructional hacking and phishing related content, leaving content creators stumped.
YouTube, known to be the greatest platform for video content, has been facing strong criticism for creating a business out of other people’s copyright content and its forever changing and unreliable policies.
“Now that there’s a written rule, there’s renewed concern about how the policy is being applied,” The Register reported on Wednesday.
The new change in YouTube’s ecosystem prevented many users from uploading hacking-like content and some were planned to be released on July 4th, considering the significance of this day in the USA. Popular channels like “Null Byte”, reported on Tuesday that they could not upload the video prepared for July 4th holiday demonstrating launching fireworks over Wi-Fi. Sounds interesting, but it’s unfortunate that it was blocked from being uploaded due to YouTube’s new policy.
It’s evident that YouTube is playing safe by preventing displaying harmful content, but at the same time, this new change on YouTube may adversely affect the upcoming generation of tech experts who follow these popular YouTube channels to genuinely learn how to prevent hacking and develop strategies to tackle the popular menace of “Cyber-attacks”.