Don’t Let the Holiday Joy Make You Complacent. Watch Your Back, Stay Safe.

Long Island neighbourhoods getting broken into, as residents get distracted by the holiday bliss.


While merriment and joy are at the forefront of most people’s minds, during the Christmas holidays, along with it comes a great deal of stress. The worry is not about whether you remembered to shop for everyone on your Christmas list, the tension rises when hearing the news that crime has spiked since Thanksgiving.

Worst of all, that a person in the neighbourhood has had their home or car burglarized.

Police reports, confirm that while the average American shopper is focused on the goodwill and cheer in the December months, Criminals out there have a different agenda. They know that consumers make great targets at this time of year, and are ready to pounce when least expected. Friday and Saturday nights are the most common days for crime and holidays are another favourite of the bad guys, keeping the law enforcement on their toes.

One may ask, how do thieves think, and what is their way of robbing the public. Such lawbreakers like to pursue private residences, vehicles, individuals and retail stores. It is sad to say that women are at the highest risk of being robbed because they are most distracted, as well as being the most vulnerable, during the holidays.

According to police reports in Nassau County, Long Island New York, burglars are breaking into homes at the most unexpected of times. Since it gets dark around 4:30 pm in New York and homeowners are still at their workplace or at the start of their commute home, this is an opportunity for a break-in. Rarely working alone, a robber is dropped off to the darkest side of the stalked house in order to manoeuvre through the property. Gates are not necessarily a deterrent for these criminals; they will find a way in.

Invaders will even bypass the first floor and shimmy straight up to the master bedroom, where they assume jewellery is kept. Once they have accomplished their goal, the car that dropped them off is ready and waiting close by to speedily collect them disappearing into the night. Even law enforcement can’t act as nimbly.

Margaret Carter, of Long Island, lives in a reasonably safe neighbourhood where crime is low, however, while parking in a busy area, to make a deposit in her bank recently, she became a victim of someone trying to enter her car. While waiting in the long line at the teller’s desk, the car alarm loudly alerted her to return to her vehicle and address the problem. Carter notice THEFT ATTEMPTED on her car dashboard.
Concern about personal security at Christmas can cause sleepless nights and anxiety, so what are the best ways to keep ourselves safe.

Your home:

Thieves are looking to steal merchandise that they can resell easily. Invest in a reputable alarm system and/or own dogs with a loud bark. Guarantee the house is brightly lit both indoors and outdoors. Use timers, so that the house isn’t totally dark after 4.30 pm. Never come home alone to a dark house. Invest in Alexa, to switch on devices in your home. If you have to go to an event in the evening, don’t shut the lights and TV off. Keep them running. Beware of workers that come to your house, and observe they aren’t stalking out your property. Tell family members and friends not to post pictures on Facebook or Instagram, of your interior and exterior or mention the times of the day/weeks when you are vacating your residence.

Your vehicle:

Keep your car doors locked at all times and make sure your car is always parked in a lit area whether by your home or in a public area. It is best to shop in the daylight is possible at Christmas time, when you are carrying lots of bought items. Armed with multiple bags and packages make you a target for criminals waiting to ambush you as you leave the stores. Stay alert and focused when shopping and in car parks. Try not to get distracted by your cell phone and texting. Lock merchandise in the trunk of your vehicle so it is not a visible temptation to thieves. Be mindful that you are not being followed home. If a burglar sees you shopping in high-end stores and driving expensive cars, there is a risk of them following you to your house.

If all this makes you panic, do not fear; law enforcement officials state that most criminals prefer to break into a private residence when no-one is home. They want to get in and out quickly. Being confronted is not on their agenda. However, whether it be your home or your car, it is your personal space and it is important not to take things for granted. Following these pre-meditated security measures will hopefully assist in creating ample safety.