Top 7 Malware Myths Busted

The term malware includes all those potentially unwanted programs that can infect computers. Hackers make use of malware like spyware, viruses, worms, Trojans, adware, and keyloggers, which enter into a corporate network without any authentication.

In a period of time, businesses have realized the importance of network security. While network security professionals are busy spreading awareness among community users, people are still being misguided by common network security myths.

Before implementing the best security practices, it’s important to understand common malware myths and the facts that prove them wrong.

Myth 1: Malware Attacks are Easy to Notice

Fact: You can’t always recognize if your system is infected by malware or adware, as malicious agents often stay stealthily in your system and run their mischievous intentions undetected. Most malware programs that aim toward identity theft stay undetected in your system and direct your important contacts and data to third-party sources.

The Way Out: It’s important that you run scans using anti-malware software at regular intervals. This will help you in maintaining the security hygiene of your system.

Myth 2: Software Updates Don’t Upset Network Security

Fact: Security holes and crashes are more prominent in outdated systems, as loopholes are left unattended. Still, security practitioners often ignore pop ups for security update and end up inviting cyber-attacks.

The Way Out: It’s advisable that you update your software and operating system as soon as you get a notification. You can also set automatic upgrades to prevent any chance of skipping the upgrading request.

Myth 3: Anti-Virus Software Protects Your System from All Type of Malware

Fact: No anti-virus product is completely effective in keeping your system virus-proof. With hackers finding new ways to intrude into the latest firewalls and anti-virus software, there are many cases of malicious attacks even in protected systems. An up-to-date anti-virus software minimizes the risk of infection, but doesn’t ensure fool-proof security.

The Way Out: Along with an anti-virus program, you can also download anti-malware systems like Malwarebytes in your computer to improve the security quotient.

Myth 4: If Nothing Important is saved in Your System, It’s Safe from Malware

Fact: Malware attacks are not always intended towards stealing information from your system. Sometimes, it’s more interested in digging into your email contacts and sending them malicious attachments from your login ID. Such malware can even record your activities on social media websites and other password-protected platforms to perform mischievous activities.

The Way Out: To deal with identity theft, it is important that you keep your system safe from malware, even if you are not storing any important data in it. SMB firewalls and anti-virus programs can help in creating a robust security layer around your system.

Myth 5: Email Attachments from Known Sources are Safe

Fact: Email attachments that come from known sources seem to be safe, but with cyber-attacks becoming more sophisticated, you need to think twice before accessing them. It’s a wise practice to avoid email attachments from unknown sources, but random clicks on attachments received from known people can prove equally harmful. You may get emails from the infected system of your known contacts with malicious attachments.

The Way Out: Run anti-malware programs regularly to prevent malware that might have intruded into your system in the disguise of email attachments from known sources.

Myth 6: Malware Destroys the Computer Hardware

Fact: Malware is just a malicious software, which has no direct association with the hardware of your computer. Even the hardware of a seriously infected computer can be reformatted and a new operating system can be installed successfully.

The Way Out: Even corrupted BIOS (basic input/output system) can be replaced easily to ensure that your computer starts properly every time. All you need to do is connect with the right IT hardware vendor for any upgrade.

Myth 7: Legitimate Websites are Free of Malware Attack

Fact: Network security experts often issue a list of risky websites, which are not recommended for computer users. However, reputed websites are as prone to malicious hacking intentions as any risky website. The myth that legitimate websites cannot get affected by malware is now being challenged with an increasing number of reputed websites falling into the Google’s Transparency Report. Hackers and cyber criminals dig on even minor security loopholes of legitimate websites to spread malware in the visitor’s system.

The Final Way Out: Never ignore the security of your network! A security upgrade task may seem annoying, but has a major impact in ensuring the safety of your system. Also, explore the latest network security products in the market to keep your system up to date.