Recent Hacks Pushes Biden to Enhance Cybersecurity for Critical U.S. Infrastructure

Image credit: Chicago Tonight
President-elect Joe Biden speaks at The Queen Theater in Wilmington, Del., Tuesday, Dec 22, 2020. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

President Biden signs a national security directive according to the White House statement and releases, to enhance the U.S. defense against the rising menace of cyber attacks, ransomware and hacking of critical industrial infrastructure such as energy, food and medical.

The new directive primarily aims at boosting performance standards for technology and systems used to safeguard critical data, mostly used by private companies.
As necessary it may be for the private sector to comply with the new directive, it can’t be forced to comply.

The memorandum is a result of some recent major cyber-attacks on major U.S. pipeline and meat industries. President Biden recognized the issue and brought it up with the Russian president Vladimir Putin when they met last month, as Russia was the prime suspect behind these attacks.

A senior government official (anonymous), told reporters that the new directive will be voluntary.

In other words, it may not be followed or complied with, considering 90% of America’s critical infrastructure is owned and operated by the private sector which the government has, but limited command over.